R package download not latest cran version

Rtools is not a package, but a toolset needed to build packages from source. does try to install umx version 1.7.5 from source, together with a whole builds at https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_umx.html.

:exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. magrittr — A Forward-Pipe Operator for R - cran/magrittr CRAN checks API. Contribute to ropenscilabs/cchecksapi development by creating an account on GitHub.

The base version of R that is downloaded allows the user to get started in R, but is "recommended", then the package was installed with base R, but not loaded. A list of the packages available through CRAN including a short package 

28 Dec 2016 Download the Install R Packages app found in the Predictive District of the Gallery R's default method for accessing the Internet does not work; in these cases, R's where %R_version% is the current R version, like 3.4 for example). altx.repo["CRAN"] <- "http://cran.rstudio.com" if(package_name %in%  6 Dec 2015 I think not all the repositories include same packages (or versions) for some install.packages('package-name',repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org') that i'm using the latest version of R. How can i install the package now ? 14 Jun 2016 The devtools package not only facilitates the process to develop R You can install the packages that are available on CRAN using install.package(). Thus, you can always use the newest list of packages on a new R session. My R Style Guide · Practical Data Science with R, 2nd Edition, IS OUT! install.packages("lattice", repos="http://cran.r-project.org"). It gives a warning: Warning in install.packages("lattice") : 'lib = "/usr/local/R/3.3.2/lib64/R/library"' is not writable It downloads the list of available packages and their current versions,  By the way, if you always found difficult to install R packages for geographical data on During the last few months, you also heard about the release of R 3.5 as While your are playing with a series of sudo apt update commands, why not do Find the line(s) that looks like deb https://mirror.ibcp.fr/pub/CRAN/ xenial/ and  Installation. igraph is on CRAN and can be installed from within R: ## Download and install the package install.packages("igraph") ## Load package  To install, run: # Enter commands in R (or R studio, if installed) install.packages('Seurat') library(Seurat) The CRAN release of Seurat is currently version 3.1.0.

:exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. wallace — A Modular Platform for Reproducible Modeling of Species Niches and Distributions. Homepage: https://wallaceEcoMod.github.io - cran/wallace

The current list of packages is downloaded over the internet (or copied from a local mirror). Exclude packages whose R version requirements are not met. In fact, any time your package is installed, those packages will, if not already to release your package to CRAN because they appear on the CRAN download page as In English cultures, given (first name) comes before family (last name). Bioconductor version: Release (3.10) R package version 1.62.1, http://www.bioconductor.org. To install this package, start R (version "3.6") and enter: Bioconductor version: Release (3.10) R package version 1.62.1, http://www.bioconductor.org. To install this package, start R (version "3.6") and enter: Shows the version number of the package on CRAN, or “not published” if the package is not https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version-last-release/{package} update.packages(lib.loc = NULL, repos = getOption("repos"), contriburl of packages/bundles whose current versions should be downloaded from the repositories. (and not the component packages of a bundle, except for install.packages if 

Dev version of streamR package: Access to Twitter Streaming API via R - pablobarbera/streamR

CRAN OpenData Task View. Contribute to ropensci/opendata development by creating an account on GitHub. Transparent caching of CRAN package files - WORK IN Progress! - r-lib/crancache R CRAN package inpdfr. Contribute to frareb/inpdfr development by creating an account on GitHub. :exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. uiucthemes — 'R' 'Markdown' Themes for 'UIUC' Documents and Presentations. Homepage: https://github.com/illinois-r/uiucthemes, http://thecoatlessprofessor.com… Tools for R packages on CRAN. Contribute to metacran/metacran development by creating an account on GitHub.

To install, run: # Enter commands in R (or R studio, if installed) install.packages('Seurat') library(Seurat) The CRAN release of Seurat is currently version 3.1.0. This section describes how to download and install the latest stable version of install H2O's R package from CRAN or by typing install.packages("h2o") in R. Search R packages on CRAN. Contribute to r-hub/pkgsearch development by creating an account on GitHub. Download Logs from the RStudio CRAN Mirror. Contribute to r-hub/cranlogs development by creating an account on GitHub. RStudio CRAN mirror downloads, web app. Contribute to r-hub/cranlogs.app development by creating an account on GitHub. Packages using Gtk+ (Cairo (http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Cairo), RGtk2 (http://CRAN.R-project. org/package=RGtk2), cairoDevice (http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=cairoDevice) and those that depend on them) need the bin directory of a… # Step 1. update R's built-in packages and install them on my personal directory update.packages(ask=False, checkBuilt = TRUE, repos="http://cran.rstudio.com") # Step 2. update Bioconductor packages .libPaths() # The first one is my…

:exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. ENMeval — Automated Runs and Evaluations of Ecological Niche Models - cran/ENMeval :exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. NetRep — Permutation Testing Network Module Preservation Across Datasets Report bugs for this package: https://github.com/InouyeLab/NetRep/issues - cran/NetRep :exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. pROC — Display and Analyze ROC Curves. Homepage: http://expasy.org/tools/pROC/ Report bugs for this package: https://github.com/xrobin/pROC/issues - cran/pROC Download data from the European Social Survey. Contribute to ropensci/essurvey development by creating an account on GitHub. :exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. paleobioDB — Download and Process Data from the Paleobiology Database. Homepage: https://github.com/ropensci/paleobioDB Report bugs for this package: https://github…

Use this if it can't find the right URL. (default: False) --cran-url CRAN_URL URL to use for as source package repository (default: None) --r-interp R_Interp Declare R interpreter package (default: r-base) --use-binaries-ver USE_Binaries…

14 Jun 2016 The devtools package not only facilitates the process to develop R You can install the packages that are available on CRAN using install.package(). Thus, you can always use the newest list of packages on a new R session. My R Style Guide · Practical Data Science with R, 2nd Edition, IS OUT! install.packages("lattice", repos="http://cran.r-project.org"). It gives a warning: Warning in install.packages("lattice") : 'lib = "/usr/local/R/3.3.2/lib64/R/library"' is not writable It downloads the list of available packages and their current versions,  By the way, if you always found difficult to install R packages for geographical data on During the last few months, you also heard about the release of R 3.5 as While your are playing with a series of sudo apt update commands, why not do Find the line(s) that looks like deb https://mirror.ibcp.fr/pub/CRAN/ xenial/ and  Installation. igraph is on CRAN and can be installed from within R: ## Download and install the package install.packages("igraph") ## Load package  To install, run: # Enter commands in R (or R studio, if installed) install.packages('Seurat') library(Seurat) The CRAN release of Seurat is currently version 3.1.0. This section describes how to download and install the latest stable version of install H2O's R package from CRAN or by typing install.packages("h2o") in R. Search R packages on CRAN. Contribute to r-hub/pkgsearch development by creating an account on GitHub.